I’m the One

I’m the one who probably worries too much, though sometimes I pretend and appear not to.

I’m the one who says that I go with the flow, but sometimes feel like my maybe my idea would be better.

I’m the one who others depend on. I get the job done. I do it right the first time.

I’m the one who wants to do a good job. Impress others or at least make them happy.

I’m the one who likes to be independent, but not totally alone.

I’m the one who read books far beyond her time.

I’m the one who values the small things, or at least I try.

I’m the one who gets stuck on the small things. Turns the small into mountains.

I’m the one who is definitely not a perfectionist. I don’t pretend to be.

But I will always ask a lot of myself and will always want to get better.

I’m the one who asks a lot of herself, but knows how to play hookey too.

I’m the one that always tries to look on the bright side and be optimistic.

I’m the one who sometimes has to be the one to hold it all together.

I’m the one who has to be selfless when I sometimes don’t wish to be.

Who is always planning for the future or those ‘what if’ moments.


I’m the one that was the first to go to college. The first one who was always afraid of failure.

I’m the one who had to come back home, and go back out again.

I’m the one who floundered around until I found where I’m supposed to be.

I’m the one who carried all those worries with me, but they were also a part of me.

I’m the one who always tried to remember that things work out for the best, that the Lord provides.

I’m the one that finally figured it out, though I was standing on sand.

I’m the one who never really had to try, but also wasn’t the best.

I’m the one who sometimes wishes she could go back again, but am secretly glad that I can’t.

I’m the one with so many new beginnings, and still trying to find my end.



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2 responses to “I’m the One

  1. I love the honesty with which you wrote this. I feel just like you in many ways. Thank you for sharing.

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